We are please to announce an upgraded version of the LFD Audio Silicone Mains Cable the Reference Gold which has the addition of a Furutech Gold mains plug.
We are now able to offer a custom built, twin inductor power supply for the Soundsmith SG 200 energiser. Our power supply transforms what is already a superb cartridge combination into simply the most life like phono reproduction system we have heard. International voltages catered for. Contact us for more details.
We now have the brilliant new Flux Hi-Fi Sonic Ultrasonic Stylus Cleaner. After the demise of the Audio Technica AT 637 some twenty five years ago, we have been trying to find a sucessor. The wait was worthwhile as the Flux Hi-Fi Sonic is a big improvement; more powerful operation, more stable design and three year guarantee.
We now have the superb Ikeda Kai cartridge on perment demonstration. It is not nearly as a low ouput as you may think due to their use of a non standard measurement figure. Sounds fast, rich, powerful, detailed and postively addictive. Contact us for details. Web page soon.
We now stock the new AMG Viella V-12 Turntable. It is a wonderfull sounding turntable and is very easy to set up, see web page. The AMG V-12 is now on permenent demonstration. Contact us for a demonstration.
We had a excellent Bristol Sound and Vision Show 2013, with just under one thousand visitors coming to our room over three days. We decided this year to take just one source; the LOIT Passeri CD player, which did not disappoint with comments like "it does not sound like a CD player" which is correct, it doesn't.
It was very interesting in that we were able to play music quite different from the normal Hi-Fi show music and the visitors loved it, maybe it had something to do with the system?
We will be exhibiting at The Bristol Sound and Vision Show, room 416 and showing a system comprising of a Loit Design Passeri CD Player, NAT Audio Utopia Valve Preamplifier, NAT Audio Transmitter Valve Monoblock Power Amplifiers and Analysis Omega Ribbon Planar Speakers with cabling from LFD Audio. The entire system will be fead by the NAT Audio Xenon Power Conditioner.
Come and Hear this very special system, which we call "True Realism".
We are very proud to represent Loit Design in the UK. Their superb Passeri CD player is simply the best CD player we have heard and is now on permenant demonstration.
The ablilty to capture the full potential of CDs, their micro dynamics and low level detail revealed from the normal digital hash, giving a breathtakingly real experience. You can almost smell the air in the recording venue.
More details and web page coming soon.
We now have our exciting new NAT Audio Se2Se GM70 monoblock power amplifier on permenant demonstration. The Twin Russian GM70 valves have an output of 60 watts in Single Ended Triode, enough to drive real world speakers. Come and hear this superb amplifier with it's realistic reproduction. Contact us for more details.
Munich High End Show 2012
EAR launched their new SACD player, a two box player which will retail for around £8000, listening to SACDs it sounded extremely good.
Richard Vandersteen was demonstrating his flagship Model 7 speakers, in stunning white.
The sound was stunning too.
We had a visit the other day from Norman, a long standing customer. While he was here he asked to listen to some music on our current demonstration system. Norman loves chamber music so I played a CD of one of Shostakovich's String quartets. Norman stopped talking to listen. After a while he said "Listen to the instruments, they are having a conversation. Each instrument is talking to the others. Who is it?" "Shostakovich" I replied. "Oh, I don't like Shostakovich, but this is wonderful!"
So if you want to expand your musical horizons get a system from Alternative Audio!
Thank you Norman for letting us use this.
Bristol Sound And Vision Show Report
For the first time Alternative Audio exhibited at the Bristol Sound And Vision Show under the Analysis and NAT Audio banner. We did so because it is our local show and that it was important to show visitors just what is possible with a quality High End system.
Here is a selection of photographs of the room and the equipment playing.
We were very pleased with the sound of our room, largely due to the Xenon AC Power conditioner, pictured below, being able to supply with system with clean power.
The amazing NAT transmitter SET monoblocks sounded extremely open and dynamic even under show conditions and were very popular with visitors as were the Analysis Omega Planar Ribbon Speakers, but everything in the system has an affect on the sound down to the mains cables on the Brinkmann Bardo or the damping feet on the the LFD Audio stand.
We had nearly eight hundred visitors to the room over the three days, thanks to everyone that came.